This did the trick. Many thanks. I had found that option, but misinterpreted what I read; I thought it was only available in 4.x.

Thanks again!


On Dec 14, 2005, at 6:59 PM, Michael Stassen wrote:

William R. Dickson wrote:
OK, I strongly suspect I've just done something stupid here, but I'm having trouble figuring it out. I had a disk go bad on a MySQL server this past weekend. I did a clean system install (FreeBSD 5.4) on a new disk, installed the MySQL 3.23 port, and restored the mysql data directory from backup. Everything is working fine...except now, every user is able to get a list of every database on the system. They can't actually use the databases, but I'd rather they couldn't get the list, either. Following some suggestions I found in the list archives, I did a SHOW GRANTS and found the following (database names match usernames): GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'username'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD 'blablabla'
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `username`.* TO 'username'@'%'
I suspect that the problem lies with every user having "USAGE' privileges on every database (although entering "use otherusername;" returns an error indicating the user has no permissions to read the database). However, I can't seem to revoke this privileges. I can't even find the privilege in any of the tables.
Can someone point my addled brain in the right direction here?

I know it is counter-intuitive, but "USAGE" means no privileges. In 3.23, seeing all databases is the default behavior, turned off by starting mysqld with the --skip-show-database option. This changed to the behavior you are expecting in 4.0.2.

See the manual for more < show-databases.html>.


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