Christian Meisinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/19/2005 
10:46:39 AM:

> Does anyone know a script/program to create statistics or graphs
> from a binary mysql logfile?
> A graph view daily, monthly data andsoon would be great.
>    best regards chris

What kind of values do you want charted? Have you looked at the binlogs to 
see what is available? What you want to chart may not be part of the 
actual data so you may want to expand your search to the general log file 
as well. If you want database statistics, those are available through the 
SHOW VARIABLES command. A performance monitoring app would need to poll 
the server at specified periods to check on the progress of certain 
variables in order to build a graph of running performance based on the 
values presented by SHOW VARIABLES.

What I am getting at: you didn't say what you want charted so we have no 
idea what can provide you with the charts you want. There may be some 
existing performance monitoring tools for MySQL but we can't know if they 
might meet your needs or not.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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