This should be so simple, yet I've struck out.

I have 2 tables, each with a common column called "pid" which is an integer and is a unique index. There are approx 18 million rows in each table, and one of the tables has approx 5000 fewer rows than the other table. So it should be a piece of cake finding the missing rows right?

Well I did a

select * from t1 left join t2 on where is null
select * from t2 left join t1 on where is null

and both queries return a null set. I then checked both tables and none of them have pid as null. I then counted the number of non-unique pid's and there aren't any (of course with a unique index I didn't think there would be)

Ok, so there are no rows in t1 that aren't in t2, and vice versa.
There are no duplicate sid values and no empty sid values.
I physically counted the rows in each table and they are indeed off by around 5000 rows.
I checked the tables for consistency and they passed.

How can anyone explain this? How do I find the missing rows?


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