    I have a web app where I am doing a boolean search.  I only  want 
to return 10 results per page, but I'd also like to know how many  total 
rows match the search query.  I'm currently performing this  with 2 
query statements:
  1. (To get the actual rows via the search)
  SELECT $product_column[title],
              MATCH (title) AGAINST ('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
              AS score FROM $product_table
              WHERE MATCH (title) AGAINST ('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
              ORDER BY score DESC
              LIMIT $lower_limit,10
  2.  (To get the total number of results)
  SELECT COUNT(*) as num_results
              MATCH (title) AGAINST ('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
              AS score FROM $product_table
              WHERE MATCH (title) AGAINST ('$q' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
              ORDER BY score DESC
  The queries might be a bit off as I don't have the exact code in 
front of me right now.
  Is there a way I can combine this into 1 query?

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