System: Red hat 7.2 My SQL modules: MySQL-devel-4.0.13-0 php-mysql-4.1.2-7.2.6 MySQL-shared-3.23.55-1 MySQL-server-4.0.13-0 MySQL-client-4.0.13-0 CAMysql-9.0-220 Msql-Mysql-DBI-perl-bin-1.1823-1
I would like to log or turn on the facility to do a verbose logging to troubleshoot an issue I'm having with a program on another (mail) server trying to access the mysql server. From the mail server I can issue the following: mysql -h -u mailwatch -p and enter the password and it connects. Yet from within the initial program it does not work and in the mail logs it has: Jan 3 18:19:31 mail MailScanner[11376]: Unable to initialise database connection: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (110) I've ask the mailscanner list, the mailwatch list and the postfix list and we are not getting anywhere. Thanks -- MySQL General Mailing List For list archives: To unsubscribe:[EMAIL PROTECTED]