I just issued a "show status" query and the numbers are what MySQL returns.

Failed attempts (aka aborted_clients) : 8154
Aborted (aka Aborted_connects): 319
Total (aka Connections) : 4626

So phpMyAdmin is basing the % calculations on these numbers, that's why we
see the weird percentage.

The aborted_clients and the aborted_connects concern me, but the
applications seem to be working fine!

I found the following:

My scripts are using mysql_pconnect(), so I don't call mysql_close()  (they
list not calling mysql_close() as a possible cause for seeing
Aborted_clients increment.)

They also said..."The max_allowed_packet variable value is too small or
queries require more memory than you have allocated for mysqld. See Section
A.2.9, "Packet too large".

I haven't tested this but we never encountered this when we were testing
with large data in development.  I'm looking at the data heavy tables in
production and they average 140K per row...which is not even close to the
1MB max_allowed_packet default limit.

Any ideas?  Anybody else encounter this?


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