> I have no idea what you are asking, which may explain why no one has
> to your question yet.
> I've been working with relational databases for 20 years and I've never
> heard the term "calendar table". What are you trying to accomplish? If you
> describe clearly what you are trying to do, perhaps someone can help you
> devise a way to do it in MySQL.
> Rhino
>A table of dates to which to join other tables,
>ensuring reports that reflect days for which no
>data is available.

I forget the query but I know it can be done.  But can't you just have a table 
(called calendar?) with each entry having it's own row with a date column that 
gives whatever date you need in it and then other columns for any other details 
you need to have to go along with the date.  

After you have a table full of dates you can just do a query that will grab all 
the information and display it like a calendar and show you days that have 
information and days that don't have anything.

I'll see if I can't find that query for you and explain it to you.  


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