In addition to the id_Site, you also need to grab the MAX(Time) so you have 
something to sort by.  This requires a little trick known as a "groupwise 
maximum."  See for 
an explanation and some examples.

Greg Fortune

On Tuesday 24 January 2006 09:06, Dan Baker wrote:
> I have two tables I'm working with.  One table (Sites) contains contact
> information for every customer site that we deal with. The other table
> (Incidents) contains all the support calls we've made.
> I'm trying to generate a list of sites that HAD a support incident within a
> known date range, and order them so that the site that has the OLDEST
> support call is FIRST in the list.
> I'm using:
> WHERE Time >= $date1 AND Time <= $date2
> Which gives me a list of sites that had a support incident between the
> dates, but doesn't really sort them correctly.
> It simply orders them by who had the earliest support call.  I'm looking
> for the site who's LAST support call is the EARLIEST.
> [Incident TABLE]
> Field Type Null Default Links to Comments MIME
> id   int(11) No
> Time   int(11) No  0    when call came in  text/plain
> Description   varchar(100) No      brief description
> Notes   text No      operator notes
> id_Site   int(11) No  0  site -> id
> ...
> Thanks for any pointers.
> DanB

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