Ferindo Middleton Jr wrote:
Paul DuBois wrote:
At 17:56 -0500 1/28/06, Ferindo Middleton Jr wrote:
I have two tables, registration & schedules, that look like this:
CREATE TABLE registration (
                        id                    SERIAL NOT NULL UNIQUE,
                        firstname        VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL,
                        middlename    TEXT,
                        lastname        VARCHAR(256),
                        suffix              TEXT,
schedule_id INTEGER REFERENCES schedules(id),

CREATE TABLE schedules (
                       start_date     DATE NOT NULL,
                       end_date       DATE NOT NULL,

The registration table above references the the schedules table via the schedule_id. Why does MySQL allow a row created in the schedules table be DELETED if it has a matching schedule_id in the registration table. These two tables share a relationship based on registration.schedule_id & schedules.id. I've tried this same syntax in PostgreSQL and it doesn't allow the schedules.id record to be deleted without first removing any records in the registration table which carry a matching schedule_id record. Isn't that the point of a relational database?- TO CHECK RELATIONSHIPS between tables and enforce that those relationships aren't broken? I find it disappointing that MySQL ignores this relationship.

Add ENGINE = InnoDB to the end of your table definitions.
Foreign keys are supported only for InnoDB tables in MySQL.

I am using InnoDB. I use MySQL Administrator and InnoDB is what it says all my tables are already using so it must have chosen that by default or something. Does this mean that I shouldn't have been able to delete records from my schedules table above that had a foreign key in the registration table? Thanks.



I discovered that this foreign key constraint wasn't present in these tables anymore due to my own action. You see, I had backed up my database before using MySQL Administrator, not knowing that is was backing up such tables constructs as foreign keys, etc. So the database I'm looking at today isn't the same database I originally created with the same constraints... I'm going to stop using MySQL Administrator... using it seems somewhat misleading and it made me think that the tables sand the constraints I made on them were still present. Thanks.


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