"pedro mpa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/31/2006 12:49:48 AM:

> Greetings.
> I need help on the following query.
> I get an error like "Unknown/Invalid column total_price [...]" when I 
> filter by total_price.
> How can I do this correctly?
> SELECT receipts.*, 
>    (SELECT SUM(receipt_itens.price) FROM receipt_itens WHERE
>    receipt_itens.id_receipt=receipts.id) AS total_price
>    FROM receipts 
>    WHERE 
>       total_price >= ".$minprice." " 
>       AND total_price <= ".$maxprice." "
>    ORDER BY receipts.date DESC
> Thanks in advance.
> Pedro.

You don't need a subquery to get these results. You can also use a regular 
low-tech JOIN:

        , sum(receipt_itens.price) total_price
FROM receipts
LEFT JOIN receipt_itens
        ON receipts.id = receipt_itens.id_receipt
HAVING total_price >= ".$minprice."
        AND total_price <= ".$maxprice."
GROUP BY receipts.date;

SELECT receipts.*, dt.total_price
FROM receipts
INNER JOIN tmpDateTotals dt
        ON dt.date = receipts.date
ORDER BY receipts.date desc;


The problem with your original query was that you were trying to compare 
the results of a calculation in your WHERE clause. Results do not exist 
when WHERE clauses are evaluated but they do by the time the HAVING 
clauses are checked. The column`total_price` only exists _after_ the SUM() 
function is computed which happens _after_ the restrictions of any ON and 
WHERE clauses are applied to your source data. The HAVING clause is 
specifically designed to handle this type of comparison. I will bet 
dollars to doughnuts that your subquery version of this query will execute 
5 to 10 times slower than my version without the subquery. Can you please 
try both and report your results?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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