Thanks Michael, That was the solution.  This was the first time I've seen that 
error and now it makes plenty of sense.


Michael Stassen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Grant Giddens wrote:
 > Hi,
 > I'm using mysql 4.1.14 and and getting this error:
 > Column 'asin' in field list is ambiguous
 > This is the query that is giving me the error:
 >   SELECT pn_pricecompare_searchdata.prod_id,
 >          MATCH (asin,upc,...) AGAINST ('warcraft' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score
 >   FROM pn_pricecompare_searchdata ps
 >   LEFT JOIN pn_pricecompare_product pp
 >        ON (pp.prod_id = ps.prod_id)
 >   WHERE MATCH (asin,upc,...) AGAINST ('warcraft' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
 >   ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0,10
 > The query works fine if I take out the LEFT JOIN
 >   SELECT pn_pricecompare_searchdata.prod_id,
 >          MATCH (asin,upc,...) AGAINST ('warcraft' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score
 >   FROM pn_pricecompare_searchdata ps
 >   LEFT JOIN pn_pricecompare_product pp
 >        ON (pp.prod_id = ps.prod_id)
 >   WHERE MATCH (asin,upc,...) AGAINST ('warcraft' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
 >   ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT 0,10
 > The searchdata table is MyISAM with fulltext enabled on the fields.  The
 > product table is an INNODB table.
 > I searched all over and can't find a solution.  I did find one possible
 > bug report that might be related:
 > Is there any workaround I can use?
 > Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
 > Thanks,
 > Grant

Is there a column named asin in the pn_pricecompare_product table?  If so, try 
qualifying asin with the correct table name in your query (use the alias).


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