UPDATE `table1` SET `gender` = IF('f'=`gender`, 'm', 'f');
If you have NULL columns you might want to make another sublevel in IF to
leave it NULL !

I believe this should do it... you might also take into consideraion
removing the possibility of a NULL in the `gender` column... because it
allows the `gender` not to be specified... to be null !

Gabriel PREDA
Senior Web Developer

On 2/10/06, Veerabhadrarao Narra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I have a table named table1 structure is
> +--------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
> | Field  | Type          | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
> +--------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
> | name   | varchar(50)   | NO   | PRI |         |       |
> | gender | enum('f','m') | YES  |     | NULL    |       |
> +--------+---------------+------+-----+---------+-------+
> And Values like
> +------+--------+
> | name | gender |
> +------+--------+
> | 1    | m      |
> | 2    | m      |
> | 3    | m      |
> | 4    | m      |
> | 5    | m      |
> | 6    | m      |
> | 7    | m      |
> | 8    | m      |
> | 9    | m      |
> | 91   | f      |
> | 92   | f      |
> | 93   | f      |
> | 94   | f      |
> | 95   | f      |
> | 96   | f      |
> | 97   | f      |
> | 98   | f      |
> | 99   | f      |
> +------+--------+
> Now i want to change the values in gender column
> from 'm' to 'f' as well as 'f' to 'm' in single UPDATE statement. How can
> we write this. And i have check constraint it accept only 'f' or 'm'.
> (Means name 1 to 9 gender have to change 'f' and 91 to 99 'm')

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