Hi Octavian,

Yes indeed... "IT" is a stop word... despite being the acronym for
"Information Technology"... *It* is a third-person neuter
pronoun<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/It_(pronoun)>in the English

You can make it "IT" a normal word by excluding it from the build-in stop
word list !

In the build-in stop word list there are around 540 words... you should get
the source code of the MySQL version you use and look in the *myisam* folder
for a file called *ft_static.c *as that file contains (among other C
code) all the words considered stop-words.

Also there would be an extra if you would build a file tailored for the
language of the texts you store in the databases... in romanian "*it*" has
no meaning except of being the acronym for Information Technology... in a
romanian stop word list this should never appear...

This would also be a plus to any hosting service that offers MySQL databases
equipped with language dependent stop word lists...
- If I'm offering hosting in Romania the stop-word-list should contain words
that have no semantic value in romanian...
- If I'm offering hosting in France... the same thing... the stop-word-list
should contain french words...
- ... so on !

Or maybe some kind of a mix... should do the trick !

So... going back:
1. build the file... make it a single word a line...
2. save it in a path accessible to MySQL... read permissions will do just
3. modify in my.ini or my.cnf adding
4. rebuild all FULL-TEXT indexes in all databases... if not only new indexes
will take benefit from the new stop-words-file

Hope it helps... !!!

Gabriel PREDA
Senior Web Developer

PS: If interested in building a stop-word-list for RO... mail me !

On 2/10/06, Octavian Rasnita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have tried:
> select title from table where match(title, body) against('IT' in boolean
> mode);
> The result was 0 records.
> I have checked the min word lenght which is allowed with:
> mysql> show variables like '%ft_min_word_len%';
> +-----------------+-------+
> Variable_name   |  Value |
> +-----------------+-------+
> ft_min_word_len |  2     |
> So the word "IT" should be found, because if I search using ... like '% IT
> %'... there are found some records.
> Is "IT" a stop word? If yes, how can I make it be a normal word?
> Thank you.
> Teddy

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