I am having a problem using MySqlDump.  Context: I am having to export
some "very specific" records from our database


We have a table called BIN which has, amongst others, an ID column and
an ACCOUNT_ID column.  When I use this


mysqldump -u root -p --complete-insert "--where=account_id='19444'" -t
otm bin > /otm/reports/datadump/mediaowner_bin.txt


it does properly create Insert statements matching the results that the
"where" clause should return.


However, we have another table called BIN_DATA which has ID and BIN_ID
columns (the BIN_ID being a link to the BIN table mentioned above).  If
I fire off the following query from within MySql:


            select * from bin_data where bin_id in (select id from bin
where account_id=19444);


it works great, returning the rows I'd expect.  However, where I am
getting stuck is getting MySqlDump to handle this obviously more complex
query statement, it having a sub-query.  I have tried lots of variations
on the following:


            mysqldump -u root -p --complete-insert "--where=bin_id in
(select id from bin where account_id=19444)" -t otm bin_data >


Am I not wrapping the "where" portion of the command correctly (though I
have tried every possible wrapping with single-quotes that I could come
up with) OR are sub-queries simply not supported OR is there something
else that I should know.


Any help you can give me would be way appreciated.


Henry Dall


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