Greetings All,

Please have a look at the following query:

SELECT abm.mem_number, abm.first_name, abm.last_name, abm.area_represented, abm.age,, abm.cup, ablb.*, + ablb.rc + ablb.fsmgp + ablb.gmc + ablb.saly + ablb.nwgp + ablb.ecgp + ablb.sams + ablb.wcc + ablb.kzngp + ablb.emc + ablb.lmgp + ablb.saff + ablb.gmgp + ablb.safy + ablb.mmw + + ablb.mmc + ablb.nwmc + ablb.ncc + ablb.samp + ablb.gsc + ablb.wcmgp + ablb.sapm + ablb.kznc + ablb.npc + ablb.smc + ablb.ecc + ablb.mgp + ablb.samo + ablb.cofc + ablb.cs + ablb.ncmgp + ablb.fsc + ablb.ggp + ablb.tmc + ablb.gc + ablb.yotm AS total_points FROM ab_leader_board ablb, ab_members abm
WHERE = 'Female' AND abm.cup = 'kids'
ORDER BY total_points DESC

Now this query is run over two tables and the ab_members table contains around 302 rows. Around 1/3 of these will be where cup=kids. However, when this query is run it returns 20,700 results :0 Any idea why this is? Also, any help or pointers as to how I can optimize this query will be much appreciated. Thank you!

Kind Regards
Schalk Neethling
Web Developer.Designer.Programmer.President

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