Hi there,
I am in the midst of creating a forums hosting site.

1. It has to be highly scalable, so I doubt a single MYSQL db with TONS of "subforums that simulate full forums" would do.

2. Also regarding scalablity, I hope to "Add capacity" as and when its needed. So i'll have one server running initially, and when it gets too crowded, i'll get two servers etc.

3. I will be providing a user with a "dashboard" that allows him to view all his subscribed posts across ALL forums. So lets say a user is a member of 25 forums, this dashboard view will allow the user to view all his posts across all the forums.

Does anyone have advice that could point me in the right direction?
I have solved the scalability issue WITHIN a forum (code can handle million + posts easy), but I havent solved the issue of scaling MULTIPLE separate forums.

I dont think putting EVERYTHING on one single DB would be a good idea, considering that a single forum could grow huge, and have a million posts. I am thinking that the solution would possibily involve like a fixed amount of forums per db/server, and then drop in a new server everytime that limit is reached.

Regarding point 3, where a user has a "dashboard" that allows him to view all subscribed posts across ALL forums, an obvious solution would be to have a user-centric table that also stores copies of all his subscribed post IDs (including last viewed time stamp etc), eliminating the need to query across all separate DBs.

Am I heading in the right direction?

Also, does there exist any php package that helps ease the process of "deciding which Server/database to connect to"? For example, someone accesses FORUM A, so the script would automatically know to direct all queries to the DB in SERVER 1 etc, and if i try to access FORUM J, it would connect to SERVER 2 etc. I could easily hard code this, but I was thinking "what if internal IP addresses change, or I decide to migrate a busy forum to a server of its own etc", so perhaps there is a better available packaged solution designed for this task.

Appreciate any advice!


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