I am receiving an error "Unknown column 'testcase_root.Test' in 'order clause'
I do not understand why the error is pointing to this as an error, nor if it 
means anything that the name of the column is correctly identified in the query 
below as testcase_root.TestID. I have checked the DB and the column is present. 
Can someone help point out what I am missing and or steps to debug the problem.
SELECT testplans.SubTestCaseKey,
   testcase_root.ID, testplans.testcasesuffix_name_FK,
   testcase_root.TestID, testcase_root.TestDesc, testplans.FSAGA,
   testplans.Priority, testplans.tester_list_Name_FK
  FROM testcase_root LEFT JOIN testplans ON testcase_root.ID =
  WHERE (((testplans.plantriggers_ID_FK)=76530)) OR
   (((testplans.plantriggers_ID_FK) Is Null))
  ORDER BY testcase_root.TestID;

Robert M. Bartis 
Lucent Technologies, Inc 
Tel: +1 732 949 4565 


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