Ronan McGlue <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/09/2006 05:05:15 AM:

> i have a little quirck with my current Mysql setup. I log all messages 
> from my mtas into Mysql and then use a simple query to generate stats 
> from them... as below:
> mysql> select exim.hour,sum(exim.count),stats.spam,stats.ham from 
> servers,exim,stats where and =curdate() 
> and exim.hour=stats.hour and and 
> servers.type='MX'  group by exim.hour;
> +------+-----------------+------+------+
> | hour | sum(exim.count) | spam | ham  |
> +------+-----------------+------+------+
> |    0 |            1636 |  826 |  775 |
> |    1 |            1243 |  708 |  515 |
> |    2 |            1565 | 1018 |  536 |
> |    3 |            2274 |  637 |  492 |
> |    4 |            1325 |  760 |  547 |
> |    5 |            1177 |  768 |  398 |
> |    6 |            1266 |  718 |  530 |
> |    7 |            1382 |  883 |  477 |
> |    8 |            2026 |  899 | 1020 |
> |    9 |            5856 |  838 | 1879 |
> |   10 |              80 |   29 |   50 |
> +------+-----------------+------+------+
> 11 rows in set (0.01 sec)
> however i have noticed that at hour 3 every day the DB duplicates the 
> entries for the 3 MTAs... as below
> mysql> select,exim.hour,exim.count from servers,exim,stats 
> where exim.hour=3 and and =curdate() and 
> exim.hour=stats.hour and and servers.type='MX';
> +----+------+-------+
> | id | hour | count |
> +----+------+-------+
> |  0 |    3 |   819 |
> |  0 |    3 |   819 |
> |  1 |    3 |   189 |
> |  1 |    3 |   189 |
> |  2 |    3 |   129 |
> |  2 |    3 |   129 |
> +----+------+-------+
> 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> hours 0-2 and 4-23 are fine and report everything as expected...
> Now the data must be getting in somehow I just dont know how or why?
> The inserts are done by an exim acl entry as follows..
>   warn condition = ${lookup \
>                  mysql {insert into exim SET \
>                     machine='MACHINE', \
>                     date='${substr_0_10:$tod_log}',\
>                     hour='${substr_11_2:$tod_log}'\
>                     ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE count = count + 1\
>                  }{0}{0}}
> anythoughts on the matter?
> thanks
> Ronan
> -- 
> Ronan McGlue
> Analyst / Programmer
> CMC Systems Group
> Queens University Belfast

Do you have two entries in `stats` that correspond to hour 3?

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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