Yes Ryan,

Shawn is wright... this is dark art... and few are experimenting it !
I did some dark art because of my need to get into *latin2
Even though is adark art I do still there are people who know to answer
you... but i believe you were to vague...
Please be *more* specific on your problem.

What is the server default charset and collation ?
What is the database  default charset and collation ?
What charsets and collations are the tables and/ or even the columns you
were talking about ?

Finally I didn't found any ColdFusion secific connector... so I assume ODBC

Have you searched for ODBC related issues ? Maybe is ODBC's fault.

What server version do you use ? 4 or 5 ? Please specify minor also !

What about connection charset and/or collation ? Have you set them ?

so... ?        :)

Gabriel PREDA
Senior Web Developer

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