Cory at SkyVantage <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/10/2006 04:25:00 PM:

> > Can you post the results of "SHOW CREATE TABLE pnr_segments", please
> pnr_segments | CREATE TABLE `pnr_segments` (
>   `ID` bigint(20) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `ID_pnr` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
>   `ID_pnr_fares` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
>   `flight_number` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
>   `flight_date` date NOT NULL,
>   `origin` char(3) NOT NULL,
>   `destination` char(3) NOT NULL,
>   `weightedpercent` decimal(9,6) NOT NULL,
>   `intended_origin` char(3) NOT NULL,
>   `intended_destination` char(3) NOT NULL,
>   PRIMARY KEY  (`ID`,`ID_pnr`),
> ) ENGINE=ndbcluster DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1

Try this:

ALTER TABLE pnr_segments ADD 

and this modified query:

FROM pnr_passengers pax 
INNER JOIN pnr_status status 
        ON pax.ID = status.ID_passengers 
INNER JOIN pnr_segments ps 
        ON status.ID_segments = ps.ID 
        AND ps.origin='SJU' 
        AND ps.destination='SIG' 
        AND ps.flight_date='2006-03-10' 
        AND ps.flight_number='218'
WHERE status.res_status='0';

This is a rather extreme optimization (adding such a large index) but you 
did say this was a "very frequently run query" so the performance boost 
may offset any additional data load. 

Please tell me you aren't making the database do all of this work just to 
run the exact same query in the very next statement with a different 
SELECT clause in order to pull data from these same tables.... That would 
be silly :-(

If you have a real query (one that doesn't just count how many rows you 
find) based on these same tables and conditions and you running this query 
as a test to say "if count==0 then skip the real query" then you are 
seriously wasting a trip to the database and a lot of CPU cycles while you 
are there. Ask for what you need the first time and check to see if you 
get any results. Then move on if you don't have any. Now, you may have 
simplified the SELECT clause to obfuscate the column names you actually 
have in the tables, that I completely understand. However, if you really 
do this as a query, you should stop.

A further refinement to this index would be to relist the columns in the 
order in which they are found in WHERE clauses most frequently (still 
leaving the ID column at the end of the list). This is an example of a 
covering query and when done correctly, they can seriously improve 
performance for entire categories of queries. In fact, you may consider 
adding more columns to the list if you use other things than just the ID 
value in your SELECT clause... 

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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