Dear Sir,

The status of mysql:

mysql>show status;
| Variable_name                     | Value    |
| Aborted_clients                   | 0        |
| Aborted_connects                  | 0        |
| Binlog_cache_disk_use             | 0        |
| Binlog_cache_use                  | 0        |
| Bytes_received                    | 148      |
| Bytes_sent                        | 5695     |
| Com_admin_commands                | 0        |
| Com_alter_db                      | 0        |
| Com_alter_table                   | 0        |
| Com_analyze                       | 0        |
| Com_backup_table                  | 0        |
| Com_begin                         | 0        |
| Com_change_db                     | 1        |
| Com_change_master                 | 0        |
| Com_check                         | 0        |
| Com_checksum                      | 0        |
| Com_commit                        | 0        |
| Com_create_db                     | 0        |
| Com_create_function               | 0        |
| Com_create_index                  | 0        |
| Com_create_table                  | 0        |
| Com_dealloc_sql                   | 0        |
| Com_delete                        | 0        |
| Com_delete_multi                  | 0        |
| Com_do                            | 0        |
| Com_drop_db                       | 0        |
| Com_drop_function                 | 0        |
| Com_drop_index                    | 0        |
| Com_drop_table                    | 0        |
| Com_drop_user                     | 0        |
| Com_execute_sql                   | 0        |
| Com_flush                         | 0        |
| Com_grant                         | 0        |
| Com_ha_close                      | 0        |
| Com_ha_open                       | 0        |
| Com_ha_read                       | 0        |
| Com_help                          | 0        |
| Com_insert                        | 0        |
| Com_insert_select                 | 0        |
| Com_kill                          | 0        |
| Com_load                          | 0        |
| Com_load_master_data              | 0        |
| Com_load_master_table             | 0        |
| Com_lock_tables                   | 0        |
| Com_optimize                      | 0        |
| Com_preload_keys                  | 0        |
| Com_prepare_sql                   | 0        |
| Com_purge                         | 0        |
| Com_purge_before_date             | 0        |
| Com_rename_table                  | 0        |
| Com_repair                        | 0        |
| Com_replace                       | 0        |
| Com_replace_select                | 0        |
| Com_reset                         | 0        |
| Com_restore_table                 | 0        |
| Com_revoke                        | 0        |
| Com_revoke_all                    | 0        |
| Com_rollback                      | 0        |
| Com_savepoint                     | 0        |
| Com_select                        | 2        |
| Com_set_option                    | 0        |
| Com_show_binlog_events            | 0        |
| Com_show_binlogs                  | 0        |
| Com_show_charsets                 | 0        |
| Com_show_collations               | 0        |
| Com_show_column_types             | 0        |
| Com_show_create_db                | 0        |
| Com_show_create_table             | 0        |
| Com_show_databases                | 0        |
| Com_show_errors                   | 0        |
| Com_show_fields                   | 0        |
| Com_show_grants                   | 0        |
| Com_show_innodb_status            | 0        |
| Com_show_keys                     | 0        |
| Com_show_logs                     | 0        |
| Com_show_master_status            | 0        |
| Com_show_ndb_status               | 0        |
| Com_show_new_master               | 0        |
| Com_show_open_tables              | 0        |
| Com_show_privileges               | 0        |
| Com_show_processlist              | 0        |
| Com_show_slave_hosts              | 0        |
| Com_show_slave_status             | 0        |
| Com_show_status                   | 2        |
| Com_show_storage_engines          | 0        |
| Com_show_tables                   | 0        |
| Com_show_triggers                 | 0        |
| Com_show_variables                | 0        |
| Com_show_warnings                 | 0        |
| Com_slave_start                   | 0        |
| Com_slave_stop                    | 0        |
| Com_stmt_close                    | 0        |
| Com_stmt_execute                  | 0        |
| Com_stmt_fetch                    | 0        |
| Com_stmt_prepare                  | 0        |
| Com_stmt_reset                    | 0        |
| Com_stmt_send_long_data           | 0        |
| Com_truncate                      | 0        |
| Com_unlock_tables                 | 0        |
| Com_update                        | 0        |
| Com_update_multi                  | 0        |
| Com_xa_commit                     | 0        |
| Com_xa_end                        | 0        |
| Com_xa_prepare                    | 0        |
| Com_xa_recover                    | 0        |
| Com_xa_rollback                   | 0        |
| Com_xa_start                      | 0        |
| Compression                       | OFF      |
| Connections                       | 3        |
| Created_tmp_disk_tables           | 0        |
| Created_tmp_files                 | 5        |
| Created_tmp_tables                | 2        |
| Delayed_errors                    | 0        |
| Delayed_insert_threads            | 0        |
| Delayed_writes                    | 0        |
| Flush_commands                    | 1        |
| Handler_commit                    | 0        |
| Handler_delete                    | 0        |
| Handler_discover                  | 0        |
| Handler_prepare                   | 0        |
| Handler_read_first                | 0        |
| Handler_read_key                  | 0        |
| Handler_read_next                 | 0        |
| Handler_read_prev                 | 0        |
| Handler_read_rnd                  | 0        |
| Handler_read_rnd_next             | 223      |
| Handler_rollback                  | 0        |
| Handler_savepoint                 | 0        |
| Handler_savepoint_rollback        | 0        |
| Handler_update                    | 0        |
| Handler_write                     | 352      |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data     | 19       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty    | 0        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed  | 0        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free     | 493      |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_latched  | 0        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc     | 0        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total    | 512      |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd | 1        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_seq | 0        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests  | 77       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_reads          | 12       |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_wait_free      | 0        |
| Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests | 0        |
| Innodb_data_fsyncs                | 3        |
| Innodb_data_pending_fsyncs        | 0        |
| Innodb_data_pending_reads         | 0        |
| Innodb_data_pending_writes        | 0        |
| Innodb_data_read                  | 2494464  |
| Innodb_data_reads                 | 25       |
| Innodb_data_writes                | 3        |
| Innodb_data_written               | 1536     |
| Innodb_dblwr_pages_written        | 0        |
| Innodb_dblwr_writes               | 0        |
| Innodb_log_waits                  | 0        |
| Innodb_log_write_requests         | 0        |
| Innodb_log_writes                 | 1        |
| Innodb_os_log_fsyncs              | 3        |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_fsyncs      | 0        |
| Innodb_os_log_pending_writes      | 0        |
| Innodb_os_log_written             | 512      |
| Innodb_page_size                  | 16384    |
| Innodb_pages_created              | 0        |
| Innodb_pages_read                 | 19       |
| Innodb_pages_written              | 0        |
| Innodb_row_lock_current_waits     | 0        |
| Innodb_row_lock_time              | 0        |
| Innodb_row_lock_time_avg          | 0        |
| Innodb_row_lock_time_max          | 0        |
| Innodb_row_lock_waits             | 0        |
| Innodb_rows_deleted               | 0        |
| Innodb_rows_inserted              | 0        |
| Innodb_rows_read                  | 0        |
| Innodb_rows_updated               | 0        |
| Key_blocks_not_flushed            | 0        |
| Key_blocks_unused                 | 14497    |
| Key_blocks_used                   | 0        |
| Key_read_requests                 | 0        |
| Key_reads                         | 0        |
| Key_write_requests                | 0        |
| Key_writes                        | 0        |
| Last_query_cost                   | 0.000000 |
| Max_used_connections              | 1        |
| Not_flushed_delayed_rows          | 0        |
| Open_files                        | 14       |
| Open_streams                      | 0        |
| Open_tables                       | 6        |
| Opened_tables                     | 0        |
| Qcache_free_blocks                | 0        |
| Qcache_free_memory                | 0        |
| Qcache_hits                       | 0        |
| Qcache_inserts                    | 0        |
| Qcache_lowmem_prunes              | 0        |
| Qcache_not_cached                 | 0        |
| Qcache_queries_in_cache           | 0        |
| Qcache_total_blocks               | 0        |
| Questions                         | 8        |
| Rpl_status                        | NULL     |
| Select_full_join                  | 0        |
| Select_full_range_join            | 0        |
| Select_range                      | 0        |
| Select_range_check                | 0        |
| Select_scan                       | 2        |
| Slave_open_temp_tables            | 0        |
| Slave_retried_transactions        | 0        |
| Slave_running                     | OFF      |
| Slow_launch_threads               | 0        |
| Slow_queries                      | 0        |
| Sort_merge_passes                 | 0        |
| Sort_range                        | 0        |
| Sort_rows                         | 0        |
| Sort_scan                         | 0        |
| Table_locks_immediate             | 12       |
| Table_locks_waited                | 0        |
| Tc_log_max_pages_used             | 0        |
| Tc_log_page_size                  | 0        |
| Tc_log_page_waits                 | 0        |
| Threads_cached                    | 0        |
| Threads_connected                 | 1        |
| Threads_created                   | 2        |
| Threads_running                   | 1        |
| Uptime                            | 449      |
222 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Please check what is wrong and teach me.

Thanks you,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Pooly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MySQL General" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 2:53 PM
Subject: Re: Rollback is not take effect on MySQL 5.0.18

2006/3/14, Truong Tan Son <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Dear Sir,

I could not find table of  innoDB in mysql.

Tables in the mysql are MyISAM and should stay that way.
Odds are that there is a skip-innodb in your my.cnf on your RHE, and not you XP.
what produces a "show status" ?

mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_mysql |
| columns_priv       |
| db                         |
| func                       |
| host                      |
| tables_priv           |
| user                      |

I  set innodb_table_locks=0 in my.cnf , but ROLLBACK is still not effect.

Could you teach me more ?

Thanks and best regards,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pooly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MySQL General" <>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: Rollback is not take effect on MySQL 5.0.18

2006/3/11, Truong Tan Son <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Dear Sir,
> On RedHat Enterprise 4, and MySQL 5.0.18, I did :
> mysql> set autocommit=0;
> mysql> savepoint abc;
> mysql> insert  ....something....
> mysql> rollback to save point abc;
> Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> RollBack is NOT take effect. But on WindowsXP, it is GOOD.
> What is wrong ?

Did you check if the table are innoDB ?

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