> "Jake Peavy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 03/14/2006 01:52:28 PM:
> > On 3/10/06, Jake Peavy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >  On 3/7/06, C.R.Vegelin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Ariel,
> > > >
> > > > Maybe this example helps you to create CSV output from MySQL.
> > > > The first SELECT generates the headerline; the second the data.
> > > > ( SELECT 'FieldA','FieldB','FieldC', ... )
> > > > UNION
> > > > ( SELECT `FieldA`, `FieldB`, `FieldC`, ...
> > > > INTO OUTFILE 'D:/MySQL Datafiles/myFile.csv'
> > > > LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'
> > > > FROM ... ...
> > > > GROUP BY `FieldA`, `FieldB`, `FieldC`, ...
> > > > );
> > > >
> > > > Don't forget the braces ( and ).
> > > > HTH, Cor
> > >
> > >
> > >  So, to all the SQL wizards out there...
> > >
> > > How would one perform this same operation, but using the
> > > INFORMATION_SCHEMA virtual db to provide the column headings in the
> first
> > > row rather having to hand type them as shown above?
> > >
> > > Bonus marks for beginning the line with a #....
> > >
> > > My attempt stalled as soon as I got one column of data in the result
> set
> > > with a row for each column of the target table.
> > >
> > > TABLE_NAME = 'testtable'
> > >
> > > Ideas?
> > >
> > > TIA,
> > >  -jp
> > >
> > >
> >
> > Nobody has any ideas at all?  (sheds solitary tear)
> >
> > -jp
> Nope, no suggestions.
> You are mixing purposes (not to mention data types) when you add column
> names to the output of INTO OUTFILE. Have you looked at using the CSV
> storage engine or mysqldump as alternatives?

Yes, but based on the docs it would appear that it doesn't produce column
names either (presumably because the table definition is stored in the

mysql> CREATE TABLE test(i INT, c CHAR(10)) ENGINE = CSV;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.12 sec)
mysql> INSERT INTO test VALUES(1,'record one'),(2,'record two');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 2  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> SELECT * FROM test;
| i    | c          |
|    1 | record one |
|    2 | record two |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

If you examine the test.CSV file in the database directory after executing
the preceding statements, its contents look like this:

"1","record one"
"2","record two"

I didn't actually try this, however, because my version hasn't been built to
include the CSV engine.  I could, of course, rebuild, but it didn't look
like it would do what I wanted anyway.

I think this (INTO OUTFILE w/column names) would be used infrequently, but
it would be handy to send a small subset of data to someone so they could
pivot it anyway they like in Excel.

Appreciate the info though, if anyone else has any ideas....

How would one transform a single column of rows into a single row of
columns?  Seems like part of a crosstab query...


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