I have a Mysql Server (4.1.8) where some sessions stay connected for a
value greater than "Interactive timeout" value.


Here is an abstract of the "show processlist" command:


| 129996 | fret | mtt04.back:33598   | fret | Sleep       |   61756 |

| 129998 | fret | mtt04.back:33599   | fret | Sleep       |   61759 |

| 129999 | ets | mtt04.back:33600   | ets | Sleep       |   61759 |

| 130000 | ets | mtt04.back:33601   | ets | Sleep       |   61759 |

| 130001 | tls  | mtt04.back:33602   | tls  | Sleep       |   61755 |


The "show variables" command gives me:

Interactive_timeout 28800

Wait_timeout 28800


Why those connections do still remains on the server with a value of
61700s while in a Sleep Command?

It is rather strange for me; they normally should have disappeared after
28800s of inactivity.


Could you give me a clue?






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