On 3/21/06, Addison, Mark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Gregory Machin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 21 March 2006 11:28
> > To: mysql@lists.mysql.com
> > Subject: mysql query and version problem .... Help!
> >
> > Hi.
> >
> > I have just found out that my hosting provider is using mysql
> > 4 and I'm
> > using mysql 5 the one query I need wont work and is a key
> > feature in the
> > application .. here is the query i'm using
> >
> > SELECT dealer_id, auto_id, bid_amount FROM bids b1 WHERE
> > bid_amount=(SELECT
> > MAX(b2.bid_amount)
> > FROM bids b2 WHERE b1.auto_id = b2.auto_id) AND
> > auto_dealer_id = '3' AND
> > Bid_Status = '1';
> >
> > How do I get this to work on version 4 ?
> You could create a tmp table with the max bids and then join on
> that. Something like:
>     SELECT auto_id, MAX(bid_amount) AS max_bid_amount
>     FROM bids
>     GROUP BY auto_id;
> SELECT dealer_id, b1.auto_id, bid_amount FROM bids b1, max_bids b2
>     WHERE b1.auto_id = b2.auto_id
>     AND bid_amount=max_bid_amount
>     AND auto_dealer_id = '3' AND Bid_Status = '1';
> mark
> --

I thought about that but I'm worried about the users getting the rite data
if multiple users make the same requests at the same time  ...  i supose the
easiest would be to name the temp tables after the user making the request

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