try something like this

select customer,max(time),name
from customers join projects on
group by customer;


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Barry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Gabriel PREDA wrote:
> > About the first problem I think you need to give us more data !
> > 
> Okay i thought yesterday how i can make up some real problem and have this:
> Guess you have a database with customers and a database with projects.
> Those prijects have timestamps so you know what time he added that project.
> Now my problem is to get the First project the customer has added.
> And i want it to have it like
> +--------+----------+---------------+
> |Customer|Time      |Projectname    |
> +--------+----------+---------------+
> |John    |2005-11-23|Teatime        |
> |Jim     |2005-02-19|Having Lunch   |
> |Bob     |2005-06-11|My big Project!|
> +--------+----------+---------------+
> So that i have the first project every customer has added first and only 
> that.
> But the Databases looks like
> Customer:
> +--+----+------+--------------------+-------+-------------+
> |id|Fnam|Snam  |Street              |Code   |City         |
> +--+----+------+--------------------+-------+-------------+
> |01|John|Doh   |Funnystreet 4       |87624  |Somewherecity|
> |02|Jim |Bobjoe|Anotherfunnystreet 8|213+E13|Othercity    |
> |03|Bob |Joejim|boringstreet 67     |324456 |Boringcity   |
> +--+----+------+--------------------+-------+-------------+
> Projects
> +--+---------+----------------+----------+
> |id|parent_id|Name            |Time      |
> +--+---------+----------------+----------+
> |01|01       |Teatime         |2005-11-23|
> |02|01       |Suppertime      |2005-12-14|
> |03|02       |having Lunch    |2005-02-19|
> |04|02       |having Dinner   |2005-04-12|
> |05|02       |having something|2005-07-17|
> |06|03       |My small Project|2005-02-10|
> |07|03       |My big Project! |2005-06-11|
> +--+---------+----------------+----------+
> I hope this enlights it a bit
> Barry

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