Thank you Dilipkumar... boy did I learn my lesson.  The one good thing about
this is that the database was at the end of the testing stage, so I didn't
lose critical customer data.  I could have gotten a backup copy of the data
files from our server backups, but at this point that would have been more
trouble than just rebuilding the table.  Next time I might not be so lucky,
so this morning I did go ahead and create my own backup copies of

Thanks everybody for your help!

  -----Original Message-----
From: Dilipkumar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:24 AM
To: Sara Woglom
Subject: Re: Table doesn't exist?


  Better suggestion is you would have backed your ibdata1 and alo the log
file because that is the data files which contains your
  precouse data.

  If you have your backup try to import the lost tables.
  Restart your mysql with your new ibdata1 files  and import.

  This might help to solve your problem.

  Sara Woglom wrote:
I had to shut down my MySQL server (5.0.18) because of an error while
editing a table ("Table is full").  I restarted it fine, but in order to do
so I had to delete all my ibdata and ib_logfile files.  Now, I am getting
ERROR 1146: Table 'dbname.tablename' doesn't exist.  Obviously it does
exist, because when I request "SHOW TABLES;" it lists them all correctly.

What on earth is going on?  I followed the directions for restarting the
server and deleting the log files!  I also ran mysqladmin flush-privileges,
flush-hosts, and refresh.  Please help!


Thanks & Regards,
DBA Support

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