Bing Du wrote:

Hello everyone,

What I'm after is trying to figure out a way to centrally and remotely
managing (e.g. on server1) our MySQL servers (server2 is an example) on
different machines.  Right now, these MySQL servers are all set up to only
accept logons from localhost.  My questions:

1. server1 has to be able to connect to server2 directly via SSH, right?
2. On server2, does 'grant [EMAIL PROTECTED] identified by ...' have
to be done?

I've been looking through the relevent threads regarding how to make port
forwarding for MySQL work.  I saw one thread mentioned that port forwarded
MySQL connection was taken as a local connection.  But my own testing
cannot agree with that.  I'm confused.  Here is what I did:

On server1:

server1% ssh -2 -l myusername -N -L 3307:server2:3306 server2

server1% mysql -P 3307  (in another term window)

ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'myusername'@'localhost' (using
password: YES)
You need to grant permissions to 'myusername'@'localhost' as indicated in the line above.

But on server2, the following command works fine.

server2% mysql -h localhost -u myusername -p

I'd appreciate if anybody would shed some light.


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