At 13:29 +0100 4/1/06, C.R.Vegelin wrote:
Hi everyone,

I am struggling to make a CSV file, with rows like: 1;2;;4;;2;9
where NULL values are suppressed in the CSV file.
I tried the following alternatives:
a) Select ... Into Outfile ... Fields Terminated By ';' Escaped By ''
    Lines Terminated By '\r\n' ...
    but this generates output like: 1;2;NULL;4;NULL;2;9
b) Select ... Into Outfile ... Fields Terminated By ';'
    Lines Terminated By '\r\n' ...
    but this generates output like: 1;2;\N;4;\N;2;9

Any idea how to get CSV rows like: 1;2;;4;;2;9  ?
Thanks for your time and effort.
Regards, Cor

You could use IFNULL() to map NULL values to the empty string:

mysql> set @x = null, @y = 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> select ifnull(@x,''), ifnull(@y,'');
| ifnull(@x,'') | ifnull(@y,'') |
|               | 1             |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

You'll need to apply this to each column that might contain NULL

Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

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