probuly sounds like noobish! or silly but what i would do is have a new table with 2 colums the first will be a login id and the second will be a login id

and i would just do like ...

id1       id2
John    Joe
John    Alex
John    Fred
Joe      Fred
Fred    Alex

would mean John as Alex, Fred and Joe as his friends
Joe has Fred as a friend
and Fred had Alex as a friend

and would just do like
SELECT `id2` FROM `freiends` WHERE `id1` = 'John';
to get all of Johns friends
SELECT `id1` FROM `friends` WHERE `id2` = 'Fred';
to get people that had fred set as their friends

and just work around that, of cause you can have id or account numbers and not names, can anybody see any problems with that ?

Martin Gallagher wrote:
"of course you have the problem where john has Joe as a friend but Joe
doesn't have john as a friend.  This seeming inconsistency, may or may not
be a problem depending on exactly what kind of a relationship you are trying
to define."

You've just hit the nail on the head! That's exactly the problem.

I think I might just have to grin and bear what I already have :-(

-----Original Message-----
From: 2wsxdr5 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 07 April 2006 15:11
To: Martin Gallagher;
Subject: Re: Social Network, linking members

Martin Gallagher wrote:


I'm trying to find the most efficient way of "linking" members to one
another in a social networking application.

Currently I link them using 2 separate fields for the members: id1, id2.
to find people in your network you would do:

I'm not sure exactly what it is you are doing but I think this may be it. You have a table of people and you want to know who is friends with who. I know 'friend' may not be the best term to use but it is easier to type. So I have my people table.

. . .

Then the Friend Table,


If you have person, John, with ID 234, and you want to know all his friends you can do this...
SELECT  f.FID, p.Name
FROM Friend f JOIN People p ON f.FID = p.PID
WHERE f.PID = 234

of course you have the problem where john has Joe as a friend but Joe doesn't have john as a friend. This seeming inconsistency, may or may not be a problem depending on exactly what kind of a relationship you are trying to define.

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