On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 11:42 -0500, Duzenbury, Rich wrote:
> Is there some known bug about combining theta and ansi style joins in
> the same query?  As I say, this works on a 4.1 server, and it will be
> troublesome to convert all of the old queries in order to upgrade. 

In MySQL 5.0.12 they changed the way MySQL handles joins to conform to
the ANSI standard.


"Previously, the comma operator (,) and JOIN both had the same
precedence, so the join expression t1, t2 JOIN t3 was interpreted as
((t1, t2) JOIN t3). Now JOIN has higher precedence, so the expression is
interpreted as (t1, (t2 JOIN t3)). This change affects statements that
use an ON clause, because that clause can refer only to columns in the
operands of the join, and the change in precedence changes
interpretation of what those operands are."
Pat Adams
Digital Darkness Promotions
Check out the Dallas Music Wiki http://digitaldarkness.com/tiki

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