you really need to show your php code and the output from an echo of
the update line so that people can try to spot what you're doing wrong.
from what i've seen, people are basically just guessing at the issue
with you saying "tried that, didn't work".

updating mysql records via php code, with a where, works just fine.
i.e., this isn't a php/mysql bug. rather there's something in your code
that's not quite right.

so, show your code, the table (definition and data) that you're trying
to update, and output from appropriate echoing of statements and we can
probably help you figure out your problem.

   Perfectly, I didnt show it before just for dont bore you with so many
code =)

   The echo ouput:
UPDATE clientes SET tipo='r', nome_fantasia='cc', estado='24' WHERE id = '5'

   The php and db structure and data are attacheds. Two infos: 1) Im not a
expert 2) The code is in the beggining of the development, so are too many
uglyness yet =)

   Thank you
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