Thanks for the response Shawn but there's nothing covert here. I really need a 
list of partnumbers based on the Sum of that part in the table. My users will 
be marking off the parts in the list and if there a more than one of a 
partnumber then it needs to show up in the list more than once.
- Thanks again

>>> Shawn Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4/12/06 12:15:56 PM >>>

--- Ed Reed < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

> Thanks for the response but neither one of the responses I've
> received does exactly what I need since they don't return multiple
> rows.
> Are there any other ideas out there?
> Thanks
> >>> "Jay Blanchard" < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > 4/7/06 12:37:32 PM >>>
> [snip]
> Anyone have an idea on this?
> Can anyone explain how I might be able to return a numbers of records
> based on the sum of a quantity in a field in the same table? (After I
> read that it sounds even confusing to me).
> Let me explain. I have records like this,
> Part# Qty
> 1254 5
> 1414 2
> 14758 1
> 1254 6
> 1024 3
> 1254 1
> Now if I did a query like this
> Select Part#, Sum(Qty) From table1 Group By Part# Where Part#=1254
> I would expect my results to look like this
> Part# Sum(Qty)
> 1254 12
> But what I really want is this
> Part#
> 1254
> 1254
> 1254
> 1254
> 1254
> 12541254
> 1254
> 12541254
> 1254
> 1254
> So 12 virtual records for the count of the records returned from the
> Sum()
> [/snip]
> Please do not hijack threads, open a new e-mail and send it to the
> list
> address.
> SELECT REPEAT(Part#, count(Part#)) FROM table WHERE Part# = '1254'

What you are asking MySQL to do is not a normal request. There are
probably better ways to solve your issue than by creating "fake" or
"virtual" data. 

As was posted before, what is the real reason you want to auto-generate
separate rows of data? If we understood your REAL problem (not your
request, we understand that) we could probably help you find a faster,
more robust solution than the one you are proposing.

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

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