MySQL list,

I have a database on a server that contains English and Japanese text. I have tried to ensure at every turn that all text encoding is in utf8.

On the web hosting server where the live site resides, everything is working fine.

But on my testing environment at home, the Japanese text displays as question marks.

Japanese text that is written directly into the PHP/HTML displays correctly. Only Japanese text retrieved from the database displays incorrectly.

All the Japanese text was initially entered on the hosting server. To get the database duplicated onto my testing environment, I exported the database, and then imported it again. I also checked the .sql file that was generated to ensure that the utf8 encoded Japanese was still readable as Japanese before importing it.

Further, when I look at the database in phpMyAdmin, it displays the Japanese correctly.

I had a similar problem a few months back, and at the time, it was advised that I add the following lines to /etc/mysql/my.cnf:
init-connect='SET NAMES utf8'

I've done this, and so these are my collation variables:

Variable   Session value   Global value
character set client        utf8       utf8
character set connection     utf8     utf8
character set database     utf8     utf8
character set results     utf8     utf8
character set server     utf8     utf8
character set system     utf8     utf8
character sets dir /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ /usr/share/mysql/charsets/
collation connection     utf8_general_ci     utf8_general_ci
collation database     utf8_general_ci     utf8_general_ci
collation server     utf8_general_ci     utf8_general_ci

This solved the problem last time.

But this time the same solution does not seem to be working.

I hope I have described the problem in enough detail. If not, please let me know.

Is there any other character set related setting that I may need to do on my local MySQL server to correctly display Japanese?

My home set up:
Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06
MySQL MySQL 4.1.15
phpMyAdmin 2.7
PHP 4.4.2

Any help would be much appreciated.

Thank you.

Dave M G

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