Does anyone know where I mind find a table to look up alternate forms of
a certain given name?  For example; if I give it Bob it gives me Robert
and if I give it Bill it gives me Will and William.  Or if I give it
either Dick, Rick or Richard it gives me back the other two.  Also, once
I have this lookup table and I am trying get Bob in my table A to match
with Robert in my table B what would the query look like.  Just to start
here is kind of what I have been doing so far...

SELECT a.FName a.MName, a.LName, a.Street, a.City, a.State, a.ZIP, a.Phone
FROM TableA as a, TableB as b
WHERE a.LName  = b.LName AND  LEFT(a.MName, 1) = b.MInitial AND a.ZIP =
## the following will match names like Chris and Christopher.  I need to
replace this with something better.
(b.FName like concat(a.FName, '%') AND a.FName = a.FName) OR
(a.FName like concat(b.FName, '%') AND b.FName = b.FName)
ORDER BY a.LName, a.FName

Chris W

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