On 4/28/06, P. Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks all,
  this looks exactly like what i'm looking for.

However, when I create the federated table, it says it was successful but
creates the table as Myisam.

CREATE TABLE `petestdb.backup_pp_line_code` (
`catalog_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`line_code` char(3) NOT NULL,
`product_typ_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`catalog_id`,`product_typ_id`),
KEY `line_code_Index_2` (`line_code`)
) ENGINE=federated DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1
connection='mysql://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306/database2/backup_pp_line_code';

Show create table gives me :

backup_pp_line_code | CREATE TABLE `backup_pp_line_code` (
`catalog_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
`line_code` char(3) NOT NULL,
`product_typ_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY  (`catalog_id`,`product_typ_id`),
KEY `line_code_Index_2` (`line_code`)
mysql://[EMAIL PROTECTED]:3306/database2/backup_pp_line_code' |

When I query the federated table, it says 0 rows although the target has
over 12000 rows. Could the mysql-max distribution be a factor ?  How do I
verify if this is what i'm running ?

Paul DuBois <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 14:38 -0700 4/27/06, P. Evans wrote:
>Hello Listers,
> Is it possible to run a query on one mysql server to another
>database on a different server ?
> eg creating an alias in database A on server A to table B on
>database B on server B ?
> Like a federated nickname on db2 udb or synonym on informix ?

You can use FEDERATED to access tables on other MySQL servers.


Paul DuBois, MySQL Documentation Team
Madison, Wisconsin, USA
MySQL AB, www.mysql.com

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As I said earlier you will need the Mysql-Max Binary for the FEDERATED
engine to work, you can get what version you are running by logging into
mysql via the CLI, or with a SHOW VERSION();

Kishore Jalleda

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