Coming to the table SOOO late.  But this has special relevance as I'm
working on an application that stores event dates and therefore will
also need to solve this problem.

The biggest question I have is "What will this be used for?"  My first
thought is to have at least 2 tables -- one table with the rows that
are "expired" and another with "non-expired rows".

In an events database, for example probaby 75% of the queries will be
current and future events.  Folks will be interested in past events,
but usually as a part of a separate logical flow.  Users may want past
events for research, but probably won't need to compare previous
events to current/future ones.  (they might want to compare events all
in the past, for instance how many people attended each meeting,
average rating, etc; or they might want to compare current/future
events for conflicts. etc.  But rarely both in the same query).

If you have reporting to do that might include both tables, you could
replicate them to MyISAM tables and make a MERGE table for your
reporting purposes.

Sorry this is so late; usually I get to MySQL list mail about once a
week, but the Users Conference took up a lot of my time!  I hope this


On 4/10/06, Douglas Sims <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Does anyone know of a thorough discussion of effective dating on the
web, particularly with respect to MySQL, or have any opinions you
could share?

I've worked with effective-dated tables in MS SQL Server and never
been particularly awe-struck by how well it works.  I can think of
three ways of doing it:

1) Store a "Begin" date and an "End" date for each row and then
reference the row with 'WHERE {transaction date} BETWEEN {begin} AND
END.  This inevitably winds up with overlapping rows that shouldn't
be or gaps where you don't want them, and also requires an extra date
column, but the select queries are simplest.  Also, what about
indexing the dates?

2) Store an "Expires" date with each row, but then to find the actual
row you have to do a subselect or some messy joins and I'm not at all
confident this will be optimized reasonably.

3) Store an "Effective as of" date with each row but this has
essentially the same problem as 2.

None of the SQL books on my shelf even mentions this, including
Jeremy Zawodny's "Hi-Performance MySQL" and the "MySQL Reference

This page is interesting but doesn't explain the different options
nor try to analyze which is best and under what circumstances: http://

Strangely enough, most of what I find by googling the topic
"effective dating" has to do with meeting girls efficiently - which
is also interesting, but outside the scope of this list and not
immediately relevant to the system I'm working on.

Douglas Sims

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