Bing Du wrote:
The following are Cold Fusion code.  It's interesting that previously
defined queries can be used as 'tables' to pull data from.
<CFQUERY name="getprojects" datasource="#dbname#">
                        SELECT     db_entry_num, title
                        FROM       account_info

<CFQUERY name="getprojectID" datasource="#GSN#">
        SELECT projectID
        FROM ResearchProjects
        WHERE IDNo = #url.IDNo#

<cfif getprojectID.recordcount GT "0">
        <!--- Query of a query --->
                <cfquery dbtype="query" name="getstudproj">
                SELECT title, db_entry_num, projectID
                FROM getprojects, getprojectID
                WHERE        db_entry_num = projectID

> It's interesting that previously defined queries can be used as
> 'tables' to pull data from.  In MySQL, does
> the same functionality have to be implemented using join or subselect?

Not necessarily. I would think the CREATE .... SELECT statement would be the closest equivalent.


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