Hi Luke,

Like most backup systems, there is no window unless you are locking the
table/database. If the record has been read and passed out to mysqldump,
any further updates will not be included until the next backup.

The only way to ensure you get complete referential integrity is to stop
any applications and lock all users out of the database.

This is highly impractical in many cases so a hot backup is the only
solution. A common solution is to have the database on a mirrored
volume, drop the apps, break the mirror, restart the apps and backup
from the unused half of the mirror. Rejoin the mirror at the end of the

If you are using InnoDB, Innobase have a hot backup product which (I
believe) works well. Other than that, I don't know if there is any
product currently for the MyISAM engine but I believe there are noises
afoot from MySQL in this regard.


********** _/     **********  David Logan 
*******   _/         *******  ITO Delivery Specialist - Database
*****    _/            *****  Hewlett-Packard Australia Ltd
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********   _/     **********          Adelaide SA 5001
i    n    v    e    n    t                                   

-----Original Message-----
From: Luke Vanderfluit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, 8 May 2006 8:32 AM
To: MySQL List
Subject: updates during database dump


When mysql is doing a dump, do the updates that happen during the dump 
get included in the dump.

I have a dump that starts at 11pm and goes for 2 hours. If someone 
updates data at say 11:45pm, does that update get included in the dump?

When does the window, on what gets included in a dump, close?

Kind regards.

Luke Vanderfluit.
Internode Systems Pty. Ltd.

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