Scott Haneda wrote:

I have a very basic one to many relationship, accounts and transactions.

There is only one account per users, but of course, there can be x
transactions.  These are once a month charges for billing.

I need to be able to select all accounts where next_charge_date <= NOW()
That's the easy part, I get all the records I want.  However, some of those
get charges through one gateway, and some get charged through another.

The transaction table has a field called merchant, lets say it can be bankA
or bankB.

So, I need a list of accounts, where none of its "many" transaction records
has the merchant bankA.

Wouldn't something like this suit your needs?

SELECT a.account_id
FROM accounts a
LEFT JOIN transactions t
ON a.account_id = t.account_id
AND t.next_charge_date <= NOW()
AND t.merchant != 'bankA'
GROUP BY a.account_id;

Jay Pipes
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