At 19:44 +1000 31/5/06, Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) wrote:
I would agree, I have found it useful as well. It does have a few
limitations (well the versions I've used)

Actually, having just mildly sung its praises, there do seem to be some bugs in the latest version I installed on my local machine (2.8.1). However...

eg. It doesn't help with replication, amongst a few others.

This is beyond my modest needs at the moment.

I use it internally within an intranet so there isn't much of a security
issue. Perhaps that was the intent? I'm a bit confused by the responses

I use it in two situations: on my own Mac (my development platform, if you like, but also the computer I use for everything :-) ), where it's all within my local 192.168.x.y setup, so no security problems there. It's also provided by the two hosts I use as part of their 'control panel' systems (which include general account management, webmail and all the rest), so it's not installed in my web root folder - I certainly wouldn't particularly want to do that.

So... what's the problem? OK, it's a bit flaky in places, but perfectly usable, and I've never had it do anything nasty to any of the small databases I manage.

Furthermore, I've just downloaded the two suggested packages from - MySQL Query Browser and MySQL Administrator - and while I can use them locally they're no use on the main host I use because they require MySQL 4.x and - until they get round to a long promised upgrade - the host's still running 3.23.

Cheers... Chris
Highway 57 Web Development --

War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.
   -- Thomas Mann

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