I have 3 variations of a fairly simple aggregate query done on a medium sized table of 
2 million rows.

Doing an ORDER BY makes the query go from less than a second to often taking 30 

Is this a bug ? 

We're running on Free BSD 4.2 with Dual PIII 700mhz & 1GB RAM.

- Sam.


A. The original query which caused the dreaded filesort.

mysql> explain SELECT m.metro_name, sum(a.td_num), a.metro_id FROM album_by_metro a, 
usa_metro_ref m WHERE a.metro_id= m.metro_id AND a.same_album_id = 10 AND a.rpt_dt >= 
'2001-01-01' AND a.rpt_dt <= '2001-05-14' GROUP BY a.metro_id ORDER BY m.metro_name;


| table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |


| m | ALL | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | 108 | Using temporary; Using filesort |

| a | ref | PRIMARY,album_by_metro_idx1,album_by_metro_idx3 | album_by_metro_idx3 | 2 
|| m.metro_id | 131 | where used |


2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


B. The next query which seemed faster but could be sometimes just as slow as the above.

mysql> explain SELECT m.metro_name, sum(a.td_num), a.metro_id FROM album_by_metro a, 
usa_metro_ref m WHERE a.metro_id= m.metro_id AND a.same_album_id = 10 AND a.rpt_dt >= 
'2001-01-01' AND a.rpt_dt <= '2001-05-14' GROUP BY m.metro_name,a.metro_id ORDER 


| table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |


| m | ALL | PRIMARY | NULL | NULL | NULL | 108 | Using temporary || a | ref | 
|PRIMARY,album_by_metro_idx1,album_by_metro_idx3 | album_by_metr

o_idx3 | 2 | m.metro_id | 131 | where used |


2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


C. The simplest form of query with no ORDER BY at all which is never slow now.

mysql> explain SELECT m.metro_name, sum(a.td_num), a.metro_id FROM album_by_metro a, 
usa_metro_ref m WHERE a.metro_id= m.metro_id AND a.same_album_id = 10 AND a.rpt_dt >= 
'2001-01-01' AND a.rpt_dt <= '2001-05-14' GROUP BY a.metro_id;


| table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |


| a | ref | PRIMARY,album_by_metro_idx1,album_by_metro_idx3 | album_by_metro_idx1 | 4 
|| const | 10677 | where used; Using temporary |

| m | eq_ref | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | a.metro_id | 1 | where used |


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