Not natively in 5.0, but MySQL 5.1 has introduced an event schedule feature
embedded into it, but i am not really sure if even that can do what you have
described, but the best way to do this is in Perl with the DBI or the
DBIx::DWIW or the DBD::MySQL modules, if you want some reference then look
at this script from my website, and it should help you to get started right
away .....

Kishore Jalleda

On 6/14/06, Jacek Becla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I'm trying to find how to split the output from SHOW SLAVE STATUS
into individual fields. Specifically, I would like to be able to
do in a stored function:
1) determine what the status of slave is, and if it is
   "Waiting for master to send event", do some action,
   like stop the slave
2) extract value of Master_Log_File and Read_Master_Log_Pos
   and return it from the function.

Is that possible with existing tools (mysql 5.0.x)?


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