The same limitation is also in 4.1.x versions.
You have to edit the source of the client library and recompile.

Mark Constable wrote:
Howdy. For years I have manually altered mysql.user.User to
64 chars to accommodate email length user IDs but now, after
upgrading to v5.0.21, the "normal" alter table routine I use
seems to ruin the table altogether. I can't use mysqlcheck to
fix it because the root user can't log in. On a fresh install
I usually do this, but get the following error...

 # mysql -e "ALTER TABLE user CHANGE User User CHAR(64)" mysql
 # mysqladmin -u root password 'abc'
 mysqladmin: unable to change password; error:
  'Can't find any matching row in the user table'

I know what I am doing is non-standard but being limited to
16 char usernames is unacceptable. Would anyone know of a
workaround other than using postgresql ?

Are there any table fixing programs that don't require a
running mysql server ?


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