[This is really OT for a MySQL list - sorry folks.]

Forgive me if I'm telling you what you already know, but IMO the most importing 
thing to do when getting into web development is to learn how to build web 
sites securely. This might be a good starting point:

Also I would recommend finding reading an overview of how web pages are 
requested via HTTP, so you have a clear idea of server-side versus client-side 
and understand the relationship between server-side code, HTML output and what 
is actually displayed in the browser window. Again I apologise if this obvious 
to you, but often people have difficulty programming and especially debugging 
web apps because they are not sure about this.

There are probably at least a dozen fairly popular programming / scripting 
languages for building web sites, and dozens of others besides. Please don't 
ask which is best, otherwise this will probably end up being The Longest, Most 
Bitter Thread In History! Most people do not have extensive experience with 
multiple langauges and there's a lot of personal preference involved. If 
someone says that language X is best then what they really mean is that, of the 
languages they have used, they think X best suits the needs of their work and 
their personal preference.

I'm afraid I don't really agree with the advice below about PHP's speed, 
because speed is affected by many variables other than just language choice 
(hardware, configuration, coding, database calls etc). Would a PHP solution be 
faster than a mod_perl solution? I don't know, but I doubt any difference would 
be worth worrying about. IMO the first consideration should be about what makes 
you most productive as a developer.

(BTW, Ajax is a development technique, not a language. You still need a 
middleware language to do the server-side programming. To start trying to build 
sites using Ajax would be jumping in at the deep end, I think.)

Personally I use something called Lasso (one of the 'dozens of others 
besides'). I've played with PHP a bit and with Perl a bit more, but have no 
intention of switching. Perl is cool and powerful, but I think if I was new to 
web development I would find PHP easier to learn. I think I would find Lasso 
easier still - I find its 'natural language' function names easier to remember. 
YMMV. Lasso is a commercial product, but with the latest version there is a 
free developer version. The biggest disadvantage IMO is that Lasso hosting is 
not that easy to find. 

Hmm - didn't intend to write such an essay on this! Hope it is of some use.

James Harvard

>        Ok, so you don't want info on databases, but on which language to use 
> to build a web site? You must sit down and determine what the site will be 
> used for and what features you *must have* in your website. Find a website 
> out there that has the features and style you're looking for. For example, do 
> you want to build something like a Yahoo (page mode), or a store front like 
> an Amazon (web application)? Once you know what type of web site you want to 
> build, you can better determine what tools to use. For web applications 
> (Amazon) take a look at Ajax applications. For plain page driven web sites 
> look at PHP.
>        Perl is more of a do everything type of language that can be used for 
> writing applications as well as web pages, whereas PHP is more stripped down 
> for speed and is intended for building web pages. You will get faster 
> performance from PHP and is quite popular for building web sites.

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