On Monday, 26 June 2006 at 10:41:16 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> *** This happens for me using FreeBSD 6.0 or FreeBSD 6.1 with the most
> recent MySQL 4.1 or 5.0 built from ports and when the DBMS data files
> reside on a NetApp NAS share shared over NFS.  It only seems to happen with
> very frequently written-to tables. I sent this to the list last week and no
> one responded. ***
> Hi, I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this issue and/or come
> up with what needs to be done to resolve it:
> I currently have MySQL 5.0.22 built from ports on a FreeBSD 6.1 machine
> with the DB data residing on a NetApp share connected via NFS.  A strange
> thing happens often after a few hours or a couple of days, some tables
> that are very active start to crash for no apparent reason as far as I
> can tell.
> Example output from check table tablename:
> +----------------------------+-------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
>> Table                      | Op    | Msg_type | Msg_text
> +----------------------------+-------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
>> dbname.tablename | check | warning  | Table is marked as crashed
>> dbname.tablename | check | error    | Found key at page 18259968 that
> points to record outside datafile |
>> dbname.tablename | check | error    | Corrupt
> +----------------------------+-------+----------+-------------------------------------------------------------------+
> I've seen this happen on FreeBSD 6.0 and 6.1 with MySQL 4.1.x and MySQL
> 5.0.x built from ports.  Has anyone else seen this and if so has a
> resolution been found?

This is a complicated one.  There are at least three variables:

1.  MySQL is typically most heavily tested on Linux; you're running
2.  You're using the version of FreeBSD from the Ports Collection, not
    our own build.
3.  You're running over NFS, to a different implementation.

Of these variables, I'd say that (2) is probably completely
irrelevant.  Of the other two, I'd put my money on (3).

You can test this if you can move the database to local disk, at least
fora while.  If the problem no longer occurs, there's a good reason to
believe that my guess is right.  In this case, it's not a MySQL
problem.  The best thing to do then would be to report it via the
FreeBSD bug reporting system (http://bugs.FreeBSD.org/).

If the problem still occurs, it would be good to get more information
about the database and query structure.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
MySQL AB, http://www.mysql.com/
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708
Diary http://www.lemis.com/grog/diary.html

Are you MySQL certified?  http://www.mysql.com/certification/

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