I have found a bug report, #11541 which appears to be reporting the same
thing that I am reporting. However, it doesn't indicate that it has been
fixed. If it has not been, this is a serious flaw, and I will not be able
to convert this particular application over to MySQL as it's critical that
it work properly. Does anyone have any information on this?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jesse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "MySQL List" <mysql@lists.mysql.com>
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 4:58 PM
Subject: ASP Reporting EOF?
When I run the following query in my ASP Application:
SELECT S.State, S.Sub, S.Region, S.District, Sum(Males) AS TotMales,
Sum(Females) AS TotFemales, Sum(AfricanAmerican) AS TotAfricanAmericans,
Sum(Asian) AS TotAsians, Sum(Caucasian) AS TotCaucasians, Sum(Hispanic) AS
TotHispanics, Sum(NativeAmerican) AS TotNativeAmericans, Sum(Other) AS
TotOthers, Sum(Grade6) AS TotGrade6s, Sum(Grade7) AS TotGrade7s,
Sum(Grade8) AS TotGrade8s, Sum(Grade9) AS TotGrade9s, Sum(Grade10) AS
TotGrade10s, Sum(Grade11) AS TotGrade11s, Sum(Grade12) AS TotGrade12s,
Sum(AgeBelow22) AS TotAgeBelow22s, Sum(Age22_25) AS TotAge22_25s,
Sum(Age26_30) AS TotAge26_30s, Sum(Age31_40) AS TotAge31_40,
Sum(AgeOver40) AS TotAgeOver40s, Sum(Disabilities) AS TotDisabilitiess,
Sum(EducationallyDisabled) AS TotEducationallyDisableds,
Sum(EconomicallyDisadvantaged) AS TotEconomicallyDisadvantageds,
Sum(LimitedEnglishProficiency) AS TotLimitedEnglishProficiencys,
Sum(NonTraditional) AS TotNonTraditionals FROM Chapters C, Schools S WHERE
C.SchoolID=S.ID GROUP BY S.State, S.Sub, S.Region, S.District ORDER BY
S.State, S.Sub, S.Region, S.District
The dataset returns EOF, however, it's NOT EOF. I can execute this query
in MySQL Query Browser, and it returns 215 rows. I've recently converted
this table from InnoDB to MyISAM, which seems to be faster, but I can't
figure out why it would say it was at EOF when it's not! I've got other
queries that don't return EOF, why would this one?
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