Your site has a bunch of JS errors (using IE) so I can't roll over ANY of
the menus (left or upper right). I also cannot write to 'contact' because of
this same error. Hence I send it here... To the list... *sigh*

Can I also suggest not using a dark red hyperlink with black text. I didn't
even realize those were links until I randomly rolled over one and it
highlighted bright red.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul McCullagh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, July 05, 2006 6:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: PBXT version 0.9.5 has been released
> Hi All,
> PBXT version 0.9.5 has been released and can be downloaded from 
> This version includes a number of major structural changes to the 
> implementation in order to improve performance. In addition, all bugs 
> reported so far have been fixed. For further information on this 
> release, please read my blog,, and the 
> associated comments. Details of all changes made are given in the 
> release notes below.
> PrimeBase XT (PBXT) is a new transactional database engine for MySQL. 
> It has been designed for modern, web-based, high concurrency 
> environments. The Beta release of PBXT is planned for September 2006. 
> The current version is based on MySQL 4.1.16 and runs on Mac OS X and 
> Linux. The next version will include support for the new 5.1 storage 
> engine API and 64-bit processors.
> Any questions, comments and bug reports can be sent directly to me. 
> Thanks for your support!
> Best regards,
> Paul McCullagh
> SNAP Innovation GmbH
> PBXT Release Notes
> ==================
> ------- 0.9.5 - 2006-07-03
> RN15: This version concludes the re-structuring of the PBXT 
> implementation. I have made a number of major changes, including:
> - All files except the transaction logs are now associated with a 
> particular table. All table related files begin with the name of the 
> table. The extension indicates the function.
> - I have merged the handle and the fixed length row data for 
> performance reasons.
> - Only the variable size component of a row is stored in the data log 
> files. As a result the data logs can now be considered as a type of 
> "overflow" area.
> - Memory mapped files are no longer used because it is not 
> possible to 
> flush changes to the disk.
> RN14: File names have the following forms:
> [table-name]-[table-id].xtr - These files contains the table row 
> pointers. Each row pointer occupies 8 bytes and refers to a list of 
> records. The file name also contains the table ID. This is a unique 
> number which is used internally by XT to identify the table.
> [table-name].xtd - This file contains the fixed length data 
> of a table. 
> Each data item includes a handle and a record. The handle 
> references a 
> record in the data log file if the table contains variable length 
> records.
> [table-name].xti - This file contains the index data of the table.
> [table-name]-[log-id].xtl - This is a data log file. It contains the 
> variable length data of the table. A table may have any 
> number of data 
> log files, each with a unique ID.
> xtlog-[log-id].xt - These files are the transaction logs. Log entries 
> that specify updates reference a data file record. Each active thread 
> has its own transaction log in order to avoid contension.
> RN13: Fixed the bug "Hang on DROP DATABASE". [RESOLVED: 0016]
> RN12: PBXT currently only supports the "Serializable" transaction 
> isolation level. This is the highest isolation level possible and 
> includes the "repeatable-read" functionality [RESOLVED: 
> 0015]. This is 
> implemented by giving every transaction a snapshot of the database at 
> the point when the transaction is started.
> If the transaction tries to update a record that was updated by some 
> other transaction after the snapshot was taken, a locked error is 
> returned. A deadlock can occur if 2 transactions update the 
> same record 
> in a different order. PBXT can detect all deadlocks.
> RN11: I have implemented write buffering on the table data files. 
> [RESOLVED: 0013]
> RN10: The unique constraint (UNIQUE INDEX/PRIMARY KEY) is now checked 
> correctly. [RESOLVED: 0008]
> RN9: I have implemented a conventional B-tree algorithm for 
> the indices 
> (instead of the Lehman and Yoa B*-link tree). Although this reduces 
> concurrency it improves the performance of queries significantly 
> because of the simplicity of the algorithm. Deletion is also 
> implemented in a very simple manner. [RESOLVED: 0007]
> RN8: PBXT now has only 2 caches [RESOLVED: 0006]:
> The Index Cache (pbxt_index_cache_size): This is the amount of memory 
> the PBXT storage engine uses to cache index data and row 
> pointers. This 
> is all the data in the files with the extensions '.xti' and '.xtr'. 
> This cache is managed in blocks of 2K.
> The Record Cache (pbxt_record_cache_size): This is the amount 
> of memory 
> the PBXT storage engine uses to cache table row data (handles and 
> records). This is all the data in the files with the extension '.xtd'.
> The size of the caches are determined by the values of the system 
> variables pbxt_index_cache_size and pbxt_row_cache_size. By default 
> these values are set to 32MB.
> RN7: Auto-increment is now implemented in memory. This is 
> done by doing 
> a MAX() select when a table is first opened to get the high value. 
> After that, then high value is incremented in memory on INSERT. On 
> UPDATE (or INSERT) the value in memory is adjusted if necessary. This 
> method also makes it possible for rows to be inserted 
> simultaneously on 
> the same table. [RESOLVED: 0005, 0014]
> RN6: ./run-all-tests --create-options=TYPE=PBXT succeeds. [RESOLVED: 
> 0004, 0019]
> RN5: Using sql-bench and my own Java based test I have confirmed that 
> PBXT behaves correctly during multi-threaded access. [PARTIALY 
> RESOLVED: 0002]
> RN4: Load/Stability test. Using sql-bench I have tested PBXT 
> under load 
> over a long period of time. [PARTIALY RESOLVED: 0001]
> ------- 0.9.2 - 2006-04-01
> RN3: Fixed a bug that cause the error "-6: Handle is out of range: 
> [0:0]".
> RN2: Implemented SET, ENUM and YEAR data types.
> RN1: Fixed a bug in the error reporting when a table is 
> created with a 
> datatype that is not supported. [RESOLVED: 0011]
> -- 
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