Read and tried :
        Does 'ps' or 'pstree' show a mysqld or safe_mysqld process running?
        If not, have you actually started the MySQL server?  I believe you have
        to run 'mysql.server start' or something similar, though my memories
        of running MySQL under Linux are somewhat hazy..

        Date: Mon, 7 May 2001 16:14:23 +0300 

but still have prob.

    Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' 

on PHP page.

functioning to mysql database form local system using mysql > is Ok.

what to do?

Akshay Mathur
H-840, Awas Vikas 1,
Kanpur (U.P.)
Tel : 91-512 -562737 (O), 573497 (R)

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