On Friday,  7 July 2006 at 14:53:11 -0500, Dan Buettner wrote:
> I'm preparing to implement some mysqldump-based backups, and would
> really like to find an easy way to dump out one SQL file per table,
> rather than single massive SQL file with all tables from all
> databases.
> In other words, if I have database DB1 with tables TBL1 and TBL2, and
> database DB2 with tables TBL3 and TBL4, I'd end up with files named
> something like this, containing just the table create and data for
> each:
> 20060707.DB1.TBL1.sql
> 20060707.DB1.TBL2.sql
> 20060707.DB2.TBL3.sql
> 20060707.DB2.TBL4.sql
> This would make selective restores a lot easier, and would also allow
> us to set up development/testing environments more easily than one big
> file.
> I'd use mysqlhotcopy but we're in an InnoDB environment.
> I can implement this with a little perl script but wondered if anyone
> was aware of a tool out there already?

As has been discussed, there's no current method.  It's certainly as
an enhancement.  doable (though we'd need to think about how to name
the dump files).  You could put in a bug report asking for the
functionality, though honestly I don't see much likelihood of us doing
it in the near future.  But then, I don't decide the priorities.

On the other hand, if the bug report is accompanied by working code to
implement this functionality, there's a much better chance of it being
accepted.  If you or somebody else want to do this, please contact me
first so that we can discuss the approach.

Greg Lehey, Senior Software Engineer, Online Backup
MySQL AB, http://www.mysql.com/
Echunga, South Australia
Phone: +61-8-8388-8286   Mobile: +61-418-838-708
Diary http://www.lemis.com/grog/diary.html

Are you MySQL certified?  http://www.mysql.com/certification/

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