Better late than never....

I believe the reason is because (at least on unix) if you connect to a
database on the same machine (using -h localhost or just omitting the
host) it will use the socket -- and therefore saying "host=localhost"
is like saying "if they come from the unix socket", where as saying
"host=IP" or "host=name" is like saying "if they come from the port
and match the host".

It's extremely frustrating; in a heterogenous OS environment it can be
even worse.  Machines with more than one A record don't always show up
the same way when they're connecting, so you can't just specify
host=IP or host=name, but have to specify something like or (or both, since I have no idea
what controls whether or not the connection is seen as coming from ip
or host -- I believe it's OS specific).

It stinks, but we can wait until LDAP authentication comes along....see

"SEC 3. Does MySQL 5.0 have built-in Authentication against LDAP directories?
   No. Support for external authentication methods is on the MySQL
roadmap as a "rolling feature". This means that it is not a flagship
feature, but will be implemented, development time permitting.
Specific customer demand may change this scheduling. "


On 6/20/06, John Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is there a reason that '%' doesn't match 'localhost'?  I recently spent
more time than I care to admit tearing my hair out over this while
setting up authorization for a user.  I've looked at the link that James
provided, which does at least mention this inconsistency, but it doesn't
seem to give a reason for it.


James Barros wrote:

> Never mind.
> I'll just go RTFM and quit bugging you guys on list with stuff
> answered plain as day in
> Sorry. I'll go caffeinate myself before asking more stupid questions.
> On Jun 14, 2006, at 11:55 AM, James Barros wrote:
>> Hey guys, I'm running mysql 5.1.9 and I've got a user who's
>> mysql.user host is set to "%" and can log in from any domain except
>> localhost. if I change to localhost, and flush privileges they can
>> log in.
>> Is this intended behavior, or should % be inclusive of localhost?
John Bishop -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Lone Star Internet -- +1 512 708-8006 --

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